Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Biscuits and Eggs

Last night we had limited options for dinner. We had plenty of eggs, though, so I decided we needed to make the most of them. I cooked up some frozen broccoli, chicken strips and spinach, and mixed in some Laughing Cow wedges for a little bit of a tangy kick. Then I poured five beaten eggs (with a little milk and S&P) over it all to make a fritatta. That same pan went in the oven at 350 for about 40 minutes. About halfway through its cooking, I added some refrigerated biscuits to the oven. There's nothing like warm biscuits, even if they're not from scratch.

The fritatta came out great, and it's a meal that can use up whatever veggies and meats you have in the fridge. And this morning, I used some of the leftover biscuits for breakfast. I lightly toasted and buttered them. To make it at least somewhat healthy, I added fresh blueberries (which I keep in the freezer. They last forever!) and a drizzle of honey. Quite yummy!

And the last two slices of fritatta could make a mighty good breakfast tomorrow ...

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