Thursday, January 8, 2009

Recyclables: Is Waste Management Really Managing My Waste Effectively?

My husband often thinks I overthink things. And oftentimes, he's right. But he also tends to underthink things. So I figure we even each other out. For instance, we recently switched our trash pickup because our previous company kept missing pickups. With that company, we had a recycling bin, in which they hauled off paper, glass, plastic and aluminum.

Recycling has always been important to me. In college, my roommate and I accumulated recyclables until they overflowed their allotted area, and then we hauled it all off to the appropriate bins on campus. So when I learned the new trash-collection company (Waste Management) did not have separate recycling bins, I got worried. I had my husband check (twice) about their recycling practices. He was told both times that Cobb County sorts the recyclables from the trash after it is collected. And of course, being an underthinker, he's satisfied with that. I, however, am skeptical. If that's true, that is a GREAT service. One less step for us (not to mention saving garage space by eliminating a bin). But I find it very hard to believe the county would bother--even assuming they're being paid by the company; not to mention, how thorough could they be?

So until I find out more about the practice, I'll keep feeling a tinge of guilt every time I put a glass bottle or old newspaper in the trash. Maybe this is a good assignment for the local TV station's investigative team...or maybe I'll just start hauling off my own recyclables again.

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